Welcome to Example Federation

Welcome to the Isle of Ely Federation
I am very humbled and proud to take over the role of Chairman of our wonderful Federation, even though we are in these very unprecedented times.
I am looking forward to a brighter future, even though it may be different from what we have known. Hopefully, with next year being our Federation Centenary, we will be able to celebrate together.
Val Ware will be a hard act to follow, but I am sure that Val, along with the other Board members, will be there to support and guide me.
I have been married to my husband, David, for 55 years. We have 5 daughter, 13 Grandchildren and 10 Great Grandchildren.
We lived in Bedfordshire most of our lives until moving to the Fens.
I have been a WI member for 40 years,25 in Bedfordshire and 15 years in the Isle of Ely. I served in the roles of Secretary, Vice President and President of WIs in both Federations, before joining the Board of Trustees of the Isle of Ely Federation 10 years ago. I have been Vice Chairman for 6 years, serving on all the Subcommittees.
Beryl Brooks
Chairman of Isle of Ely Federation.